Oats have a well-balanced nutrient profile. You will find oats to be high in carbohydrates and fiber, including the powerful fiber beta-glucan. They are also higher in protein and fat than many other grains. Oats are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant plant compounds. It means that oats are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available.
Oats have a well-balanced nutrient profile. This means you will find oats to be high in carbohydrates and fiber, including the powerful fiber beta-glucan. They are also higher in protein and fat than many other grains. Oats are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant plant compounds. That means that oats are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available.
OATS ARE rich in
Whole oats are full of antioxidants and polyphenols, which are beneficial plant compounds, that help to reduce heart disease. The most notable antioxidants are avenanthramides, which you can almost entirely find in oats. Avenanthramides reduce the risk of heart disease by increasing nitric oxide production. This gas molecule aids in the dilation of blood vessels, resulting in increased blood flow. Furthermore, avenanthramides have anti-inflammatory and anti-itching properties.
OATS contain a powerful soluble fiber
Oats are high in beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber. In the gut, beta-glucan partially dissolves in water and forms a thick, gel-like solution. Reducing LDL and total cholesterol levels, reducing blood sugar and insulin response, increasing the feeling of fullness, and increasing the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract are all health benefits of beta-glucan fiber.
OATS can lower
cholesterol levels
Globally, you will find heart disease to be one of the leading causes of death with high blood cholesterol remaining a vital risk factor. Studies show that beta-glucan fiber found in oats can help lower total and LDL cholesterol levels. Beta-glucan lowers cholesterol levels in the blood by increasing the excretion of cholesterol-rich bile. Antioxidants in oats also work in tandem with vitamin C to prevent LDL oxidation. Which would be, another critical step in the progression of heart disease causing artery inflammation, damaged tissues, and increasing the risk of heart attacks, and strokes, if not for antioxidants in oats.
OATS can improve
blood sugar control
Diabetes type 2 is a common disease characterized by significantly elevated blood sugar levels. It is usually gets caused by a decrease in insulin sensitivity. Oats help lower blood sugar levels, particularly in overweight people or those who have type 2 diabetes, and help with insulin sensitivity. These effects are primarily attributed to beta-ability glucans forming a thick gel, which delays stomach emptying and glucose absorption into the blood.
OATS help you
stay full longer
Oats are not only a delicious breakfast food but also very filling. Consuming filling foods assist you in eating fewer calories and losing weight. The beta-glucan in oatmeal increases your feeling of fullness by delaying the time it takes your stomach to empty of food. Beta-glucan also stimulates the release of peptide YY (PYY), a hormone produced in the gut in response to food consumption. This satiety hormone has been linked to lower calorie intake and may lessen your risk of obesity.
OATS maintain
digestive health
Fiber promotes bowel regularity and helps to prevent constipation. It increases the weight and water content of stools, making them easier to pass. Cereal fibers, such as those commonly found in oats, are thought to be more effective than fiber found in fruits and vegetables. Helping with digestive issues like diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.
OATS inhance immune
response to diseases
There is extensive research on oats in terms of the immune system’s response to disease and infection. Oatmeal’s unique fiber, beta-glucan, essentially helps neutrophils travel to the site of infection faster and improves their potential to eliminate the bacteria they find there.
OATS help you
sleep better
Why are oats considered a healthy pre-bedtime snack? According to experts, oats contain melatonin and complex carbohydrates that can help more tryptophan get into the brain and help you sleep. Furthermore, oats contain several vitamins, including B6, a co-factor that aids in serotonin production in the brain. Aiding in giving you a long and deep sleep for a powerful morning.
OATS enhance athletic performance
Oatmeal is a good source of carbohydrates and protein, as well as calories and energy. Oats have been shown in scientific studies to improve metabolism and performance when consumed 45 minutes to 1 hour before moderate-intensity exercise.
OATS can lower risk of colon cancer
Colon cancer is dreadful and can be excruciatingly painful. Recent studies found a link between people who ate a high-fiber diet (primarily from whole grains and cereals like oats) and a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. According to the studies, every additional 10 grams of fiber in a person’s diet reduces their risk of developing colorectal cancer by 10%!
OATS help
control weight
We could always do with some help now and then, but did you ever think oatmeal could help with weight loss? That’s right! According to one study, -glucan, a compound found in oatmeal, helps to reduce the desire to eat by boosting the hunger-fighting hormone cholecystokinin.
The facts don’t lie, oats offer plenty of health benefits, including weight control, sleep support, immune support, and more. So, if you want to switch to a healthier lifestyle and want to start eating clean healthy oats made in America, then try Avelina! Start your mornings with a boost and set new goals for the week with the help of your friendly oats!